City of Atlanta

Atlanta Bicycle Network

Atlanta, GA

In recent years, The City of Atlanta has spearheaded the implementation of key, high quality bike facilities as part of a rapidly expanding citywide bicycle and pedestrian network.

Guided by planning efforts such as the Connect Atlanta Transportation Plan, Cycle Atlanta Livable Centers Initiative, Blueprint Midtown and BeltLine Subarea Plans, these new facilities help bolster transit ridership, increase “last mile” trips and provide safe and inclusive mobility options in the City’s core.

Based on recommendations of these ongoing bicycle planning initiatives and as an extension of the Midtown Public Spaces Program, Lord Aeck Sargent continues to help design and oversee construction of many of the City’s first NACTO-compliant bicycle facilities including the 10th Street Cycle Track, Juniper Street Transformation project, Piedmont Avenue Complete Street retrofit and many others.  For projects ranging from small-scale "bike box" facilities to mile-long "cycle tracks," LAS plays a key design role in understanding the complexities of modern bicycle facilities and what it takes to successfully implement them.


Practice Areas

Streets & Trails