
Jack Pyburn FAIA
- Historic Preservation Architect with more than 35 years of experience.
- Received his Bachelor of Architecture from Texas A&M University and Master of Architecture & Urban Design from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Member, AIA College of Fellows.
- 2007 Chair, AIA/Historic Resources Committee.
- Member, Board of Directors, Docomomo/US and the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation.
- Work has been recognized for excellence by the National Park Service, the National Trust for Historic Preservation AIA/GA, ASLA/GA, ASID/GA, the Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation and the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation.
- Research interest in architectural precast concrete and its relationship to mid-century design and construction technology.
- Received Medal of Honor from FISA, the International Rowing Federation for his planning, implementation and volunteer work on the 1996 Olympic rowing venue.
- Received Mary Gregory Jewett Award for Lifetime Preservation Service by the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation.
- Married, three children and five grandchildren.